Thursday, May 23, 2013

Catch Up

Ok. So I never claimed to be on top of my game when it comes to this whole blog thing. I have had a ton of people texting me this week asking if I have found any good deals. Honestly I haven't even opened a coupon insert or looked at ad's this week. My husband has been working out of town for the past two weeks and I go full force from the time my feet hit the floor in the am until I lay down at night. I have some upcoming events with my church that I have been consumed with as well. So, couponing hasn't been at the top of my priority list. With that being said, I am happy to help and give any suggestions so keep the questions coming. I don't mind. The key to getting good deals is knowing what a good deal is and becoming familiar with what items cost. I have a few friends who couldn't tell you how much a 4 pack of toilet paper costs or how much a stick of deodorant is. THIS BAFFLES ME!! I have heard numerous times them saying, "Well if I need it, I just through it in the cart. I don't pay attention to the price." In the words of one of my favorite little ladies....M.O.G!!! How can you not pay attention to the price? I save well over 10.00 almost every time I go to Wal Mart just by price matching alone.  So get familiar with those prices! Don't just look at the sale ad...Look at the prices at the store you shop at. PAY ATTENTION!!  And did I mention that one of those friends that used to not pay attention is now couponing with the best of us. I'm such a proud teacher!! my next pet peeve. I have had people ask "Don't you feel bad about price matching?" My answer is simply..."NOPE." Why would I feel bad? It's the store's policy. That's how they get people to shop at their store. Or at least people like me. At the Wal Mart I shop at I have a Kroger, Rite Aid and Walgreens all within a mile so driving from store to store is not that big of a deal. However, its about convenience. I would rather go into Wal Mart with my ad's and make 1 stop for everything. And that's why they do that. I meant to take a picture at my last coupon class to post. We had a house full!! I was so impressed by everyone who was eager to learn and share tips.

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