Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Mother Moments

So I know that I said I was going to post yesterday but I had a little guy at home that was extra cuddly and we fell asleep together so the blog fell to the wayside. #sorrynotsorry. Anyways on my way to work this morning I was thinking about things to blog and deals and if you know me you know I get side tracked ummmm fairly easily. So I was thinking about something semi funny that happened the day before and it got me on a whole new blogging subject. Being a mom has taught me so much and I have done so many things that I never thought I would do. Pizza for breakfast? Yep it's happened. Dessert before dinner, done it. And you know you're not a mom when you are at the grocery store and see a kid pitching a fit and look over at someone and say "UH, my kid will NEVER act like that." Get over yourself. Yes they will. They may only do it once...but yes it will happen. Then it got me to thinking about if someone just heard parts of conversations what in the world they would think. I have yelled, ahem said more odd things that I would never think would come out of my mouth...Here are a few things that yes, I have had to say to my children while being a mother.

"Get your butt off of the oven." Oh, I've had to say this one several times. My dear sweet son has a habit of taking his undies off and putting his bare against the oven door while dinner is cooking. Seriously kid?

"Don't sneeze in my mouth." Yes my child literally tried to open my mouth and sneeze in it. Same child as above.

"Quit licking me." Please someone PM me and tell me I am not the only one who has a child that does this. He will just go up to me and try to lick my face like he is a puppy dog. Lord help me. I wish I didn't have to say it but yes same child as above. Anyone see a pattern here with this one. 

"Don't stick that in the plug in!" Fork, spoons, straws whatever we can get our hands on. We are moving past this stage thanking the good Lord we made it out alive. Okay I know what you are thinking...is your house not baby proofed?  Please I have a billion of those plastic thingies and either they are a joke or my kids are geniuses. I vote the latter.

These are just a few of the things that I have had to say that has made me question my sanity. Trust me there are more. But that is for another day and another blog. On to what I do best. COUPONING! Here are a few deals that you really really don't want to miss out.

Ever heard of the NUME Curling Wand? It's supposed to be legit. It has rave reviews online and it is usually 149.99. Right now add the Nume Magic Wand to your cart online put in the promo code WINTER29 and get it for 29.99 plus shipping! Swear to it! Go HERE ! NOW!!

   And here is an awesome deal if you are an avid CVS shopper.

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Buy 4 Pull Ups Training Pants (Jumbo) $8.99 each
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Final Price: $3.49 each!

Buy 2 Glade 8-oz Room Sprays $0.98 Use the $3.00/2 Any Glade, Ziploc, or Windex Products Printable Coupon Final Price: FREE + $1.04 moneymaker!

And there ya go guys! It's not much but it's all I have time for right now. If you have any questions send me a message, FB me or if you have my number text me! 

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