Saturday, July 28, 2012

Emotional Trainwreck??

 So since we have moved closer to my sister we have been going to yard sales on Saturdays. I am not or have I ever been the type to think they are better than anyone else but I never used to go. The thought of rummaging through other peoples stuff that I didn't know somewhat disgusted me, but after a few times of going with my younger sister I am hooked. I found Minnie Mouse bedding (I washed it as soon as we got home of course) for 5.00. It looks brand new! With my little Maci climbing on everything I thought that it would be a good time to go ahead and change their beds to toddler beds. I don't know if this is just a mommy thing or what but I balled the whole time. The thought that my babies are now 18 months and in toddler beds, can walk, talk, and quite frequently even yell at you just made me overwhelmed. It has gone by way to fast. It makes me think about when I first had them and they were so early they couldn't even drink out of a bottle. Chipper could barely breathe on his own and was on a CPAP machine for about a week. I cried when they first drank out of a bottle. They were so dependent and now look at them. I know, I know they still have a ton of growing to do and they are still practically babies but I just can't believe how time flies by.

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