Monday, November 9, 2015

Where Do I Get My Coupons

When I used to be big time into couponing this was the most asked question. Where do I get my coupons and how do I get so many. First of all, I get coupons from EVERYWHERE! When the PG comes out I contact my local newspaper office and have them save 20 extra papers for me with the inserts and it costs 5.00. This gives me 20 inserts and more than enough coupons. I rarely do this anymore simply because I don't have time. If there is a really good coupon out I will but otherwise its a no go but it's a great way to get a ton of coupons. I also have family members that will give me their inserts. You can also go to a certain brands website and usually if you sign up for emails they will send you a high value welcome coupon that you can print. I have an email address specifically for this that I just send "junk" to and can sift through it. That way I don't have all of these types of emails coming into my work or personal email that I use on a daily basis. You can also go to a specific stores website and print coupons or download them via your phone number. Stores such as Meijers, Kroger and Target all have this option. I love Target because they allow you to double coupon. Which means at the top corner of your coupon it will say "MANUFACTURER COUPON" or "STORE COUPON" and they will allow you to use one of each per item purchased. For instance if tide goes on sale for 3.49 which it sometimes does at Kroger and you have a manufacturer coupon for 1.00 and a store coupon for .50 you can use both of those and save 1.50!

A lot of people have private messaged me and asked about when I would be blogging more deals and honestly I don't know. I know that I will be couponing more and investigating for more deals with the holiday season coming up and I will be sure to post the deals that I find on here! I will try to update weekly with new deals and where you can find them so stay tuned!